VisualBlasters is constantly looking for ways to increase retention and user-engagement on their popular apps. Testing a hypothesis, Geoff Hladik released some paid-features to users and was surprised to see that — in addition to retention — revenue increased as well.
- June 14, 2021
- Best Practices
Why should you link ironSource and Firebase?
Mobile app developers using ironSource and Firebase can greatly benefit from combining the data from both platforms to help them with better measurement and success indicators.
Random Logic Games uses Firebase AB testing and AdLibertas Audience Reporting to test game mechanics and increases user LTVs 10% in a single AB test.
After finding a dramatic LTV difference for users who’ve opted into sharing advertising identifiers, Sebastian Hobarth, CTO of Pixel Trend, has started optimizing prompts to encourage users to allow tracking. It helped. A lot.
- May 28, 2021
- News
14.5 Rollout: iOS CPMs still down, Android climbing.
iOS CPMs remain down, Android seems to be picking up the slack. These changes signal significant impact on long-term user value (LTV).