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We now track your app store earnings!

We now track your app store earnings!

Jun 9, 2020 | New Product, News


App Store Reporting: We now track your store earnings!


For many app developers ad revenue only makes up a portion of overall earnings.

After overwhelming feedback from our customers we’ve added integrations to track your Google Play and App Store earnings in AdLibertas reporting and analytics. This is a no-cost feature to AdLibertas customers already using AdLibertas reporting.

Accurate, complete revenue in a single view.

No more juggling between App Store, Google Play and other dashboards. Now you have a complete overview of earnings in a single location.

Track In-App Purchases

Drill into gross revenue total units sold, refunds and more in our drill-down IAP dashboard.

Drill-down into subscriptions

Track activations, active users, conversions and renewals over time.

Drill-down in analytics

Drill into your own custom views of the metrics, by day, month or even display in a country heatmap.

Custom Dashboards

Create and manage your own subs & IAP revenue views into custom views in our custom dashboards.

How App Store Reporting works

If you haven’t shared credentials, by default you’ll be prompted to create AdLibertas users for both the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store. Instructions and details are available here:

Apple App Store

Google Play


Questions? As always your account manager is happy to help you with any questions you may have!