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December Newsletter

Photo by Jesse Brack on Unsplash

Happy Holidays from AdLibertas! What started out as a crazy fall in mobile app news led by a massive upheaval in the iOS ad ecosystems has ultimately culminated in a slightly calmer start to the holiday shopping season. We should continue to see strong ad revenues as more shopping than ever is occurring online and in-app.

At this time, we recommend SDK and app updates be pushed out into early Q1 so as not to disrupt any earnings potential from the strong holiday-related ad budgets we see in the marketplace.

Industry News:

Why Don’t We See Traffic Sharing in mobile app advertising?

Traffic sharing and inter-company cross-promo. This interesting read from Mobile Dev Memo does a deep dive into why there is so little “traffic sharing” where two or more app developers cross-promote their respective apps. Generally, cross-promotion serves as backfill in waterfall setups, but this article covers several other reasons why sharing impression between app developers is a complex and usually unfruitful undertaking.

Read the full article here

Admob Announces Major Changes to its SDKS

Admob has announced some major changes and deprecations for version 20 of their SDKs on both iOS and Android. AdLibertas recommends reviewing the documentation and preparing to integrate early in 2021 to stay on top of the changes.

The heads-up article can be found here and up-to-date documentation is available within Admob’s Guides sections found here for Android and here for iOS.

Apple Announces Small Business Program reduces commissions to 15%

In an exciting announcement from Apple, they have announced a new Small Business program to begin in 2021 that is tailored towards indie app developers. While this is a big win for the indie app development community– as the large majority of app developers qualify–  Eric Seufert points out, Apple’s take on apps in the top 5000 apps remains at 30%.

See Apple’s announcement here.

App Annie: US Consumers to Spend 1 Billion Hours on Mobile shopping. 

App Annie is predicting users will not only spend the most time ever shopping on their mobile devices, but that the engagement will be spread throughout the entire shopping season rather than focused on Black Friday. If this trend holds, we should expect a positive impact to ads as well, as demand should continue to be strong after Cyber Monday/Cyber Week sales.

Read the entire article here.


Best practices for Growing your App:

In addition to mobile app news, we’ve continued sharing articles we’ve pulled together to help app developers understand the subtleties and complexities of app-monetization. Below are the latest:


Ad Latency

The Cause, Effect and Recommendations for mobile apps

Ad serving latency is a constant looming question for mobile app developers. 

Our latest article is designed to outline the causes, effects and the best methods for dealing with ad serving latency in mobile app advertising strategies

Mobile User Level Ad Revenue

The what, how, and why it’s important for mobile app developers

Most mobile ad mediators have stepped up to provide granular reporting at the user-level. This article is designed to help app developers understand how it works, why it’s important and how they should be using it.

The Impression Discrepancy:

What it is, why you should care, and how you can fix it.

I always found it funny that the advertising industry had an “acceptable” industry standard for an impression discrepancy. 

Imagine a discrepancy from your bank: “Yes, you transferred $100 yesterday but we only received $90.”

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